How to Set Clock on Samsung Microwave

In an ideal world, your Samsung microwave’s clock wouldn’t need to be reset. However, you might need to reset the clock on your Samsung microwave due to normal maintenance, daylight savings time, or power interruptions.

Check your user manual for your model’s specific instructions

While we’ve listed some of the most popular time-setting variants in this post, consulting your user manual is always the best approach to finding information unique to your model. You may always obtain a digital copy of the complete handbook from our download center if you lost the one that came with your model or if it was simply an abridged version.

Key Points

  • To reset the clock on your Samsung microwave, follow these three easy steps.
  • Step 1: Press the button on the face of the microwave.
  • Step 2: Select (Clock Menu) on the button pad.
  • Step 3: Use the keypad to enter the current time and press.
  • To adjust for Daylight Savings, select (the Daylight Savings menu) on the keypad and choose to set the clock ahead or back one hour.

Set the time with arrow buttons (MG11T5018CC)

When you first install your microwave and whenever you need to make adjustments, you should set the time.

hit OK to begin adjusting the time. To change the hour, hit the left or right arrows. Next, click OK once again.

To adjust the minute, tap the left or right arrows, and then choose OK.

The time will now be shown on the control panel. The current time will adjust to the predetermined cooking time when you use your microwave.

How to Set Clock on Samsung Microwave

Below you will find all the easy-to-follow methods to set your microwave’s clock.

1.     The Process of Setting the Clock Using the Options Button

On some Samsung microwave models, such as the ME21M706BA, setting the clock might be a little challenging at first. These microwaves include an Options button in place of a Clock button. But if you know how to do it, it’s actually quite easy, so don’t worry. Consider the Options button on your Samsung microwave as the Settings button on your phone.

It is there to assist you in modifying or customizing certain features. The microwave will respond by sending you to its list of functions when you hit the Options button. From there, you can choose to access a certain function. To choose a certain function, simply press the corresponding number on the numeric pad. The clock function in this microwave type is represented by the number nine on the number pad.

You may access the clock feature immediately by pressing the nine key after selecting the Options button. Click OK to confirm your selection now. To input the proper time, just use the numeric keypad. Lastly, to confirm the new time and complete the process, click the OK button once again.

2.     The Method of Setting the Clock With the My Settings Button

Some Samsung microwaves, like the MC17J8000CS model, contain a button labeled “My Settings” rather of “Options.” Because the buttons on these models are so similar, it can be a little difficult to tell them apart. It’s interesting to note that on many Samsung microwave models, the Options and My Settings buttons essentially perform the same function.

The steps I took before using the Options button to reset or modify the clock are largely the same when I use the My Settings button. The entire process only takes around thirty seconds to complete. You will need to utilize the My Settings option to access the settings of your microwave in order to adjust or set the clock.

To access the clock feature, click the My Settings button and then press the nine button on the numeric pad. After doing that, click the OK button to verify your selection. Next, set the accurate time using the numeric keypad. Once you have completed the task, simply press the OK button once again to verify your configuration.

3.     The Procedure of Setting the Clock Using the Power Level Button

Certain Samsung microwave models, such as the ME19R7041F, include an embedded clock function that can only be accessed by holding down the Power Level button. The only indication that there is a clock reset option on the control panel is a tiny clock symbol located just beneath the power level button. It makes sense why some people have trouble finding it!

Although the power level button’s primary purpose is to change the power settings, certain models have another use for it. All you have to do to reset the clock this way is push and hold the power level button for three seconds. After that, you may input the current time using the numeric keypad.

Using the power level button, you may easily adjust the time for the morning or the evening. Press it once or twice for the AM and PM hours, respectively. Lastly, to confirm the time you have chosen simply hit the Start or OK button.

4.     Using The Clock Button to Set the Clock

A number of models, including ME18H704SF, ME11A751OD, ME16H702SE, and ME20H705MS, are compatible with the Clock button. Your microwave will have a Clock button that you need to find, depending on the model.

If your device has a number pad, it is often positioned directly beneath the START/OK button or adjacent to the dial knob. Either way, it’s hard to miss the Clock button because it generally has a clock icon next to it to help you recognize it. On microwave models with dial knobs, the time-changing mode is activated by pressing the Clock button. The clock on the microwave is initially configured in 24-hour mode.

However, it’s okay if you like the 12-hour format! To change it, simply hit the Clock button once again. From that point on, the 24-hour and 12-hour selections will alternate with each touch of the Clock button. It is now time to set the right time after determining your desired time format. To change the current hour, merely turn the dial knob.

To go to the minutes when you’re done there, click the Clock icon again. Turn the dial knob one more to establish the correct minutes. When you finally click the Clock button once again, everything will be ready. Now, the procedure is rather identical for versions that have a number pad instead of a dial knob. Press the Clock button one time to kickstart the time-setting process.

Note that you may need to press and hold the Clock button for at least three seconds on some models. The next step is to set the proper time, which may be done by using the number pad to input the necessary digits. Then, if your microwave allows it, press the Clock button once again to choose between AM and PM.

However, if it doesn’t, it’s okay because some Samsung microwaves omit that step entirely. It’s finally time to verify your settings and the new time you’ve selected. Simply hit the START/ENTER button, or press the OK button if your microwave has one. Your settings will be validated in any case.

5.     Set Your Microwave’s Clock With the Arrow Buttons

Because microwave technology is always improving, we don’t see this design choice very often these days. For my part, though, I find myself appreciating its features and simplicity. For instance, consider the MG11T5018CC model. Its convenient arrow buttons make adjusting the time a breeze. To begin, just click the OK button and move the hour to the right or left using the arrows.

Simply hit OK once again once you’ve adjusted the hour. Next, adjust the minutes with the arrow buttons, and then press OK again when you’re satisfied. The control panel will now display the accurate time. Additionally, each time you cook in your Samsung microwave, the clock will automatically switch to display the cooking time.

When Should You Reset Your Samsung Microwave’s Clock?

You may occasionally need to manually reset the clock on your oven because microwaves do not have the same automatic time reset feature as cell phones. These instances are:

In the Event of a Power Outage

Normally, when there is a power outage or when your microwave is disconnected, it will switch off. When you turn the microwave back on, you have to reset the clock.

Following the Microwave’s Reset
Sometimes you may need to reset your microwave in an attempt to resolve a problem. It may also be a repair job. In this instance, the clock has to be reset since the microwave’s power was turned off.

When Should You Change Your Microwave’s Batteries?

Certain microwaves come equipped with backup batteries that allow the clock to keep working even in the case of a brief power loss. You must reset the clock if these backup batteries get low or need to be replenished.


How is the microwave oven’s clock impacted by daylight savings time?

The clock on your microwave is not affected by daylight savings time. The reason for this is that the microwave’s clock does not automatically change to reflect daylight saving time.

Why Do Microwave Clocks Typically Run Quickly?

The AC frequency that microwave clocks receive powers them. The clock will operate at a greater speed if the AC frequency exceeds 60 Hz.


Unbeknownst to us, the majority of us depend on the clock function of our microwave for several purposes. Nevertheless, minor disturbances may cause issues with the clock on your Samsung microwave, necessitating a manual reset. Now, I will admit that if you are unfamiliar with the procedure, it might be a little challenging. But worry not—as long as you know what to do, it will be easy.

I’ve covered every technique for setting a Samsung microwave’s clock in this article. Before using any of the following tactics, make sure you know which button to press on your microwave so you know which procedure to follow.

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